Tag: Nongkran Panmongkol
Sep 05
#nofuture #nongkranpanmongkol #lexaperoutka #gallerylaboratory #avoidfloatinggallery #prague #07092018
7 Sep 2018 – 13 Sep 2018
Gallery Laboratory http://www.galerijnilaborator.cz/
The scope of this cooperative work sees both artists are engaging with the symptoms of contemporary society. It is some sort of radical imagined landscape of our general/global world.
They investigate our modern social atmosphere, which is often uncontrollable. But to a certain extent this atmosphere can be predictable and susceptible to manipulation. Their work manifests ground/basic models and simplification. These are elementary – minimalist sculptural/multimedia installations where they test contemporary social and political situations.
Both artists have worked together for about one decade and are also involved in a curatorial program between Sweden and Czechia.
7. září 2018 – 13. září 2018
Galerijní Laboratoř http://www.galerijnilaborator.cz/
Během této autorské spolupráce se oba umělci věnují problematice současné společnosti. Jo to druh radikální vizuality našeho všedního/globalizovaného světa.
Autoři dělají průzkum společenské atmosféry, která je běžně nekontrolovatelná. Společenskou atmosféru můžeme do jisté míry předpovídat nebo ji i manipulovat. Jejich tvorba směřuje k základním modelům a zjednodušením. Jsou jimi minimalistické sochařské/multimediální instalace, kde si ověřují současné společenské a politické situace.
Oba umělci již spolupracují deset let, součástí jejich spolupráce je i kurátorský program mezi Švédskem a Českem.
Jan 21
‘Post-Trauma’ at Avoid Floating Gallery /2016
Men At Work /Henrik Ekesiöö
Employees are tight to the job, their usefulness for the business is fully exploited. Working time is perfectly divided and planned for the maximum of the profit. Every spare moment is effectively used. If they can be in charge of some of the working time they revitalize their brains and bodies and the work can be concluded with higher effectiveness and better results. In one building material supply store in Stockholm the team of workers is using spare time to exercise their graphic skills in highly democratic manner. They vote on the theme and rotate each one’s responsibility. Each week the subject changes and the results are surprising and overcoming our low expectations.
The Farm /Nongkran Panmongkol
What is the European Union for the people of Europe themselves? What is the real information they gain and from where it comes? From the government or the media? While joining the Union from different perspective of life and from different economical backgrounds it is hard to agree on anything. The rich are here to share with the poor. EU budget. To vote in and out of the Union. Everything seems ironical in a very serious way.
A Pedestal /Jan Stolín
We always expect visual art in concrete space and environmental setting. Ourselves we try to limit art to fit our ideas and interpretation of the world. This way we often kill its ability to open new area of discussion and its main structural element that gives it importance and actuality. But art is essentially subversive and it fights our rigid conceptions and gains its own space in our lived environment. Pedestal is the whole system with its own function – it doesn’t have to support any other concept, material or a thing.
Reality Touch /Lexa Peroutka
We are materialist, we have and do not have certain things. We are related and disconnected through the material part of our life. With the help of material we wage the wars and create relationships. Without material background we are nonexistent. None. Nichts. Ingen. Zero. Exclusive champagne sets things right into the right perspective – but if the conflict appears all is upside down – and our fragile part is hitting the hard ground.
Jul 01
/Post-Trauma /Henrik Ekesiöö & Nongkran Panmongkol & Jan Stolín & Lexa Peroutka /Avoid Floating Gallery /Prague
openning 19:00, 7.7.2016, Avoid Floating Gallery, Náplavka, 128 00 Prague 2
Henrik Ekesiöö (SE), Nongkran Panmongkol (SE/TH), Jan Stolín (CZ), Lexa Peroutka (CZ/SE)
sound performance by Romano Krzych (FR/CZ) and http://rkz1.blogspot.cz/
Post-Trauma is a collective exhibition of artists from Stockholm and from Czechia. In this context, traumas are meant to be sudden social changes that have great influence on cooperation and communication, as well as defining our living space – the space that we identify ourselves with, and the space that we feel connected to. The individual artists involved are working with three-dimensional and multimedia materials. Their work is an attempt to define the space/room on the basis of its material and/or social quality. Because each artist has a different vision of the space and they are occupying different geopolitical spaces, their work is the “documentation” of a struggle for the concrete space.
Supported by
May 22
/Unlimited Growth /Nongkran Panmongkol /DADS Gallery /Liberec
“Unlimited Growth”
Everyday we consume more than we necessarily need. It is embedded in our consciousness, we accept it, it is drive of our life. It is its fulfillment. Consumption is necessary part of functioning economy. I am investigating ground principles of the market/capital and peoples’ manipulation within the market environment. I translate the results of my investigation into new visual and functional forms where I apply my personal conclusions and critique.
„Nekonečný růst“
Naše spotřeba přesahuje naši každodenní potřebu. Jsme si toho plně vědomi. Konzumace je motorem našeho života – jeho smyslem – jeho naplněním. Je součástí fungující ekonomiky. Zkoumám základní principy trhu/kapitálu a překládám je donových vizuálních a funkčních forem, kde používám moje osobní shrnutí a kritiku.
Apr 15
/Hunger /Hlad Performance Festival in Prague /Inv /22 May-23 May 2015
Swedish participation /23 May 2015/
For approximately a year, I have contemplated the idea of bridging two distant and unconnected art performance scenes – scenes that are primarily disconnected for geographical and chronological reasons. The Hunger festival in Prague is the first here to establish communication and exchange between such scenes. Both are of a smaller size and play their roles within the broader fine art scene based on their geographical spheres of influence. The performance scene in Stockholm is now represented by several contemporary art performance venues (Live Action in Gothenburg, Palsfestival in Stockholm and Friktioner International Performance Art Festival in Uppsala), with all having started pretty recently. Palsfestival in Stockholm was formed in 2012 and is our primary partner.
Performance depends on many environmental, social, economical and political aspect of the place where it is applied – so the differences between the scenes can be as much as the difference of the entire social and cultural fabric that each society is built from – so I like to mention geo-body (hammered down by Thongchai Winichakul) – the entirety of the elements that form contemporary country boundaries.
… Unless There Is a Scandal (45min)
(Collective presentation/talk – Success Story, Scandal and What Is Left – Contemporary Art in Stockholm – Nongkran Panmongkol, Erik Wijkström, Henrik Ekesiöö, Alexander Peroutka)
Erik Wijkström
Please Feed Artist (90min)
This performance is concrete realization of a situation in which we usually function – that is we operate throughout our existence within given frames that are often created by other people. Our survival is based on cooperation.
Henrik Ekesiöö
Fantasies of a 10 Year Old (20min)
Henrik Ekesiöö is performing what a 10 year old boy said he would do to him. The threats were made like a game, a game made to shock the opponent, and if there is no reaction you have to come up with something more brutal. Reality and its upper layers has shifted, it seems the real world is not far from our dreams.
Nongkran Panmongkol
Cleaning Job (10min)
Hunger in developed society is consumption. If you are hungry or not you will always be a consumer. In parts of the world things are produced, and in other parts things are consumed. The origin of consumables can be traced and then we can complete the picture of the world we are living in.
Romano Krzych (30min)
The real ethnic French cultural underground is represented by Romano Krzych, who appears to have been living in Prague for several years. His performances use the disturbing language of noise in a very clear, radical and almost harming way.
“Nowadays even the idea of real-life results from a subtraction. Same for appetite: so much to eat and such a lake of hungriness. Misery is a threat but discipline of poverty let open a door. Consequently I try to cultivate some healthy disappointment.”
Jeseniova 60, Prague 3
on Sat 23 May 2015
19.00 – 20.20 Erik Wijkström
19.10 – 19.25 Nongkran Panmongkol
19.30 – 19.50 Henrik Ekesiöö
19.55 – 20.15 Romano Krzych
20.20 – 21.00 …Unless There is a Scandal – collective presentation/discussion – contemporary art in Stockholm
hunger performance festival /fb event
rkz1.blogspot.cz /rogomichkin.blogspot.cz
klinika autonomous social center
Oct 08
/upcoming group show “Innocent Violence” in Kreuzberg Pavillon in Berlin /Inv /11 Oct 2014
Invitation / Einladung
Sa. 11.10.2014, 20.00 Uhr / 8pm
Klas Eriksson
Nongkran Panmongkol
Alexander Peroutka
Klas Eriksson, Nagkran Panmongkol und Alexander Peroutka arbeiten mit sozialer Intervention. IhreArbeit wird von ihrem Aufenthalt bzw Leben in im geopolitischen Raum Schweden beeinflusst. Traditionell haben soziale und politische Ideen in Schweden eine eigene autonome Interpretation und Umsetzung. Die Gesellschaft scheint hier homogener zu sein und sich rund um ein allgemeines Einvernehmen zu organisieren. Diese Interventionen erwarten ein soziales Umfeld, das seine eigenen Limits aufweist, Grenzen, seine eigenen einzigartigen Erwartungen.
Klas Eriksson erforscht soziale Macht, Hierarchie, soziale Kontrolle und Gewalt innerhalb kultureller Vorstellung und den Einfluss von Pop-Kultur auf die Funktion der heutigen Gesellschaft. Seine Forschung verleiht seiner Installationen und Videos einen performativen Charakter.
Nongkran Panmogkol wurde in Thailand geboren und lebt in Stockholm. Sie arbeitet mit Vorstellungen von kulturellem Konflikt, kultureller Hegemonie und analysiert die Probleme, die durch die non stop Modernisierung der westlichen / globalen Gesellschaft, Grenzen der menschlichen Einwirkung und persönliche und gemeinschaftliche soziale Verantwortung.
Alexander Peroutka lebt und arbeitet in Prag und Stockholm. Seine Arbeit basiert auf der Erforschung der Logik kultureller und politischer Strukturen, die innerhalb jedes geo-politischen Raumes authentisch sind. Er schafft seinen eigenen kritischen Ansatz, der dreidimensional wird in Form von Installationen, die auf Dokumentationen, Datenbanken und sozialen Modellen basieren.
Klas Eriksson, Nongkran Panmongkol and Alexander Peroutka work with the idea of social intervention. Their work is influenced by their stay or life in the geopolitical space of Sweden. Social and political ideas in Sweden have traditionally their own autonomous interpretation and implementation. Here it seems the society is more homogeneous and is organized around common understanding. The focus of the presented work lies on artistic investigation into social realities limited by geopolitical space. These interventions expect a social environment that has its limits, borders and its own unique expectations.
Klas Eriksson is investigating social power, hierarchy, social control and violence in cultural imaginary and the impact of pop-culture on function of contemporary society. His investigations leads to a certain performative character of his installations and videos.
Nongkran Panmongkol was born in Thailand and lives in Stockholm. She is working with the ideas of cultural conflict, cultural hegemony while she is analyzing the problems that are created by non-stop modernization of western global society in terms of human interaction limits, personal and collective social responsibilities.
Alexander Peroutka is an artist from Prague and Stockholm. His work is based on investigations into a logic of cultural and political structures that are authentic in every geo-political area (geo-body). He creates his own critical approach that takes three-dimentional form of his installations. His installations are based on documentaries, databases and social models.
Naunynstrasse 53
Gartenstudio Berlin
10999 Berlin
Public transport / ÖPNV : U1 / U8 Kottbusser Tor
Sep 11
/invitation to the artist-run art space: Gallery-Office ABC in Moscow (Artplay)
“Invisible Economy”
Hidden Economy, Invisible Economy, Backyard Economy, Spatial Economy, Underground Economy, Informal Economy, Economy of Resourcefulness, Black Economy,… Relational Economy
We are living in the world that seems to be defined mainly by the category of economy. We often hear that our living standards are declining; when we worry about the economy and its negative implications. Our belief in the future falters when economy is not doing well. Our democratic aspirations don’t matter anymore if they cannot create or support economic growth. When the general outlook of the economy is positive our future is positive, too.
Let’s see what this means. Are we strictly defined by economy? Our life is heavily dependent on our attitude to the interpretation of this word. But we don’t know what this interpretation is supposed to be. There are many ideas but there doesn’t seem to be the real thing that has a visible connection to our lives. The word ‘economy’ is like a magic and there are a few magicians who are telling us ‘impenetrable truth’.
But what may happen when we think for ourselves without listening to magicians/truth-interpreters?
Isn’t economy just about definition of our relations? Does it tell us how we are seen as members of a greater society? Does it tell us what we should to do for others and what they should do for us? One word but its interpretation may have many consequences. It can be suggested that the interpretation of this word defines the way we are seen, we are heard, we are known and the way we hear, we see, we know, we learn etc.
In this exhibition we are going to test rules of economy and the implications it is supposed to carry. We are approaching the impenetrable category of economy with all the tools available to us.