Tag: Romano Krzych

/The New Humanism /Berlínskej model /Prague

The New Humanism /Berlinsky model
























The New Humanism

openning 19:00 – 23:00, 13.7.2016, Berlínskej model, Pplk. Sochora 9, 170 00 Prague

Lexa Peroutka

sound performance Romano Krzych (FR/CZ) and http://rkz1.blogspot.cz/

The unity of any sort is becoming obsolete or at least temporary and it is often just an opportunistic choice. We do recognize fluidity of the reality and the world order and we adjust our everyday life to this new environment. It is technically some kind of living on the edge. We do learn that even the truth is relative to the environment and is based on specific conditions that allow its appearance. New world order has many poles and corners and it demands new type of ethics. But after realizing all that we can use (and throw away), this new ethics doesn’t seem to be new at all. Old ways of hierarchy, rivalry, class, conflicts and priorities find the way through our new world. Then what is humanism in the end? The edge that we accept and live with.

FB https://www.facebook.com/events/142267946197569/

Nový humanizmus

vernisáž 19:00 – 23:00, 13.7.2016, Berlínskej model, Pplk. Sochora 9, 170 00 Praha

Lexa Peroutka

zvuková performance Romano Krzych (FR/CZ) a http://rkz1.blogspot.cz/

Jakákoliv jednota se stává zastaralou nebo spíše dočasnou a je často jen oportunistickou volbou. Rozpoznali jsme těkavost reality a světového řádu a přizpůsobujeme náš všední život tomuto novému prostředí, které je prakticky jen druhem bytí na hraně. Chápeme, že I pravda se vztahuje k prostředí a je opodstatněná konkrétními podmínkami, které ji umožňují se zviditelnit. Nový světový řád má mnoho pólů a koutů a vyžaduje nová etická pravidla. Ale při vědomí si všeho, co máme k dispozici (a zárověň k vyhození), tato nová pravidla se vůbec nejeví jako nová. Zastaralé druhy hierarchií, soupeření, tříd, konfliktů a předností nalézají nové cesty v našem novém světě. Co je tedy nakonec humanizmem? Hrana, kterou akceptujeme, a se kterou žijeme.

FB https://www.facebook.com/events/142267946197569/

/Post-Trauma /Henrik Ekesiöö & Nongkran Panmongkol & Jan Stolín & Lexa Peroutka /Avoid Floating Gallery /Prague


openning 19:00, 7.7.2016, Avoid Floating Gallery, Náplavka, 128 00 Prague 2

Henrik Ekesiöö (SE), Nongkran Panmongkol (SE/TH), Jan Stolín (CZ), Lexa Peroutka (CZ/SE)

sound performance by Romano Krzych (FR/CZ) and http://rkz1.blogspot.cz/

Post-Trauma is a collective exhibition of artists from Stockholm and from Czechia. In this context, traumas are meant to be sudden social changes that have great influence on cooperation and communication, as well as defining our living space – the space that we identify ourselves with, and the space that we feel connected to. The individual artists involved are working with three-dimensional and multimedia materials. Their work is an attempt to define the space/room on the basis of its material and/or social quality. Because each artist has a different vision of the space and they are occupying different geopolitical spaces, their work is the “documentation” of a struggle for the concrete space.


Supported by


/Hunger /Hlad Performance Festival in Prague /Inv /22 May-23 May 2015

Hunger / Hlad Poster


Swedish participation /23 May 2015/

For approximately a year, I have contemplated the idea of bridging two distant and unconnected art performance scenes – scenes that are primarily disconnected for geographical and chronological reasons. The Hunger festival in Prague is the first here to establish communication and exchange between such scenes. Both are of a smaller size and play their roles within the broader fine art scene based on their geographical spheres of influence. The performance scene in Stockholm is now represented by several contemporary art performance venues (Live Action in Gothenburg, Palsfestival in Stockholm and Friktioner International Performance Art Festival in Uppsala), with all having started pretty recently. Palsfestival in Stockholm was formed in 2012 and is our primary partner.

Performance depends on many environmental, social, economical and political aspect of the place where it is applied – so the differences between the scenes can be as much as the difference of the entire social and cultural fabric that each society is built from – so I like to mention geo-body (hammered down by Thongchai Winichakul) – the entirety of the elements that form contemporary country boundaries.

… Unless There Is a Scandal  (45min)

(Collective presentation/talk – Success Story, Scandal and What Is Left – Contemporary Art in Stockholm – Nongkran Panmongkol, Erik Wijkström, Henrik Ekesiöö, Alexander Peroutka)

Erik Wijkström

Please Feed Artist  (90min)

This performance is concrete realization of a situation in which we usually function – that is we operate throughout our existence within given frames that are often created by other people. Our survival is based on cooperation.

Henrik Ekesiöö

Fantasies of a 10 Year Old  (20min)

Henrik Ekesiöö is performing what a 10 year old boy said he would do to him. The threats were made like a game, a game made to shock the opponent, and if there is no reaction you have to come up with something more brutal. Reality and its upper layers has shifted, it seems the real world is not far from our dreams.

Nongkran Panmongkol

Cleaning Job  (10min)

Hunger in developed society is consumption. If you are hungry or not you will always be a consumer. In parts of the world things are produced, and in other parts things are consumed. The origin of consumables can be traced and then we can complete the picture of the world we are living in.

Romano Krzych  (30min)

The real ethnic French cultural underground is represented by Romano Krzych, who appears to have been living in Prague for several years. His performances use the disturbing language of noise in a very clear, radical and almost harming way.

“Nowadays even the idea of real-life results from a subtraction. Same for appetite: so much to eat and such a lake of hungriness. Misery is a threat but discipline of poverty let open a door. Consequently I try to cultivate some healthy disappointment.”



Jeseniova 60, Prague 3

on Sat 23 May 2015

19.00 – 20.20 Erik Wijkström
19.10 – 19.25 Nongkran Panmongkol
19.30 – 19.50 Henrik Ekesiöö
19.55 – 20.15 Romano Krzych
20.20 – 21.00 …Unless There is a Scandal – collective presentation/discussion – contemporary art in Stockholm


hunger performance festival /fb event





rkz1.blogspot.cz /rogomichkin.blogspot.cz

klinika autonomous social center