Tag: Lexa Peroutka

#wallsvgaps #liberec #reichenberg #fuatul

#nofuture #nongkranpanmongkol #lexaperoutka

#nofuture #nongkranpanmongkol #lexaperoutka #gallerylaboratory #avoidfloatinggallery #prague #07092018


7 Sep 2018 – 13 Sep 2018

Gallery Laboratory http://www.galerijnilaborator.cz/

The scope of this cooperative work sees both artists are engaging with the symptoms of contemporary society. It is some sort of radical imagined landscape of our general/global world.

They investigate our modern social atmosphere, which is often uncontrollable. But to a certain extent this atmosphere can be predictable and susceptible to manipulation. Their work manifests ground/basic models and simplification. These are elementary – minimalist sculptural/multimedia installations where they test contemporary social and political situations.

Both artists have worked together for about one decade and are also involved in a curatorial program between Sweden and Czechia.



7. září 2018 – 13. září 2018

Galerijní Laboratoř http://www.galerijnilaborator.cz/

Během této autorské spolupráce se oba umělci věnují problematice současné společnosti. Jo to druh radikální vizuality našeho všedního/globalizovaného světa.

Autoři dělají průzkum společenské atmosféry, která je běžně nekontrolovatelná. Společenskou atmosféru můžeme do jisté míry předpovídat nebo ji i manipulovat. Jejich tvorba směřuje k základním modelům a zjednodušením. Jsou jimi minimalistické sochařské/multimediální instalace, kde si ověřují současné společenské a politické situace.

Oba umělci již spolupracují deset let, součástí jejich spolupráce je i kurátorský program mezi Švédskem a Českem.

#identifyingcenters #decentralisedidentity #berlinskejmodel #prague #21102017


#decentralisedidentity #identifyingcentres #hranicar #ustinadlabem #aussig #20102017

/decentralised identity /identifying centres /hranicar

#equalizer #installation #most #brux #july2017

#NovéŠvédsko #VictorMarx #MikaelTofvesson #opening #NTKGallery #Prague

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/The New Humanism /Lexa Peroutka /Berlínskej model /Prague /2016

  Free To Choose


  Of No Avail


  The Package

‘Post-Trauma’ at Avoid Floating Gallery /2016


Men At Work /Henrik Ekesiöö

Employees are tight to the job, their usefulness for the business is fully exploited. Working time is perfectly divided and planned for the maximum of the profit. Every spare moment is effectively used. If they can be in charge of some of the working time they revitalize their brains and bodies and the work can be concluded with higher effectiveness and better results. In one building material supply store in Stockholm the team of workers is using spare time to exercise their graphic skills in highly democratic manner. They vote on the theme and rotate each one’s responsibility. Each week the subject changes and the results are surprising and overcoming our low expectations.


The Farm /Nongkran Panmongkol

What is the European Union for the people of Europe themselves? What is the real information they gain and from where it comes? From the government or the media? While joining the Union from different perspective of life and from different economical backgrounds it is hard to agree on anything. The rich are here to share with the poor. EU budget. To vote in and out of the Union. Everything seems ironical in a very serious way.


A Pedestal /Jan Stolín

We always expect visual art in concrete space and environmental setting. Ourselves we try to limit art to fit our ideas and interpretation of the world. This way we often kill its ability to open new area of discussion and its main structural element that gives it importance and actuality. But art is essentially subversive and it fights our rigid conceptions and gains its own space in our lived environment. Pedestal is the whole system with its own function – it doesn’t have to support any other concept, material or a thing.


Reality Touch /Lexa Peroutka

We are materialist, we have and do not have certain things. We are related and disconnected through the material part of our life. With the help of material we wage the wars and create relationships. Without material background we are nonexistent. None. Nichts. Ingen. Zero. Exclusive champagne sets things right into the right perspective – but if the conflict appears all is upside down – and our fragile part is hitting the hard ground.

Per Forma _ Inercult Stockholm _ 8th Dec 2016 (curated by Alice Máselníková)

‘Per Forma’ is a two–day event exploring the relationship between contemporary performance art, theatre and their audiences.
It takes place on December 8, 2pm at Intercult Studio and December 9, 7pm at Fylkingen, Stockholm.

How do we perceive performance in the age of constantly commodified performativity?
The ephemeral nature of performance and theatre has been facing numerous existential challenges, where the focus lies on simplified, readily accessible pleasures and where institutional structures are being shaped according to political and economic agendas.

Transition and identity is the theme these events center around. Who is an actor, a performer, a spectator in a performance today and what dynamics and possibilities of transformation does the relationship between those offer? Are these firlmy institutionalised, untraversable roles or can it be transitioned and developed in response to current context?


Day 1
Thursday December 8:th, 2 pm – 6.30 pm + informal reception
Venue: Intercult Studio (Nytorgsgatan 15A, Södermalm, Stockholm)

Invited speakers include practitioners from theatre, performance art and interdisciplinary sectors. In short 30 minute blocks, the speakers will present their practices and professional experience. The session will continue with a panel discussion and finish with a performance by Ukrainian artist Maria Kulikovska.

2.00 Introduction by Alice Maselnikova
2.20 Anders Paulin (SE)
2.50 Sergey Samodov (RU)
3.20 Maria Kulikovska (UA)
4.00 Alexander Peroutka (CZ)
4.30 Fia-Stina Sandlund (SE)
5.00 Gustav Broms (SE)
5.45 Panel Discussion: Joakim Stampe, Teater7, Anna Korbašová/Ezra Benus.
Moderated by Chris Torch & Alice Maselnikova
6.30 Performance by Maria Kulikovska

Followed by an informal reception

Day 2
Friday December 9, 7-10 pm and then till late ***sparkling afterparty with DJ Kaosart***
Venue: Fylkingen (Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2, Södermalm, entrance from Münchenbryggeriet)
Performing: Teater 7: Ola Wallinder/Amanda Jalmberger (Director: Peter Bark), Joakim Stampe, Ezra Benus & Anna Korbašová.

3 performances in one night ! All created around the theme of transition& identity in performative acts, as approached from three different angles. It is a one-evening musing upon similarities and differences in the processes of creation, audience interaction and performativity.

19.00 Introduction
19.15 Anna Korbašová/Ezra Benus (SK/US)
20.00 Teater7: Ola Wallinder/Amanda Jalmberger (Director: Peter Bark) (SE)
20.45 Joakim Stampe (SE)

Plus the evening continues with a live party hosted by the amazing DJ Kaosart!

Per Forma is curated by Alice Maselnikova as part of a degree project within Curating Art, International Master’s Programme at Stockholm University. The project is presented in collaboration with Europa Direkt Intercult and Fylkingen Studios.


Intercult Stockholm

/The New Humanism /Berlínskej model /Prague

The New Humanism /Berlinsky model
























The New Humanism

openning 19:00 – 23:00, 13.7.2016, Berlínskej model, Pplk. Sochora 9, 170 00 Prague

Lexa Peroutka

sound performance Romano Krzych (FR/CZ) and http://rkz1.blogspot.cz/

The unity of any sort is becoming obsolete or at least temporary and it is often just an opportunistic choice. We do recognize fluidity of the reality and the world order and we adjust our everyday life to this new environment. It is technically some kind of living on the edge. We do learn that even the truth is relative to the environment and is based on specific conditions that allow its appearance. New world order has many poles and corners and it demands new type of ethics. But after realizing all that we can use (and throw away), this new ethics doesn’t seem to be new at all. Old ways of hierarchy, rivalry, class, conflicts and priorities find the way through our new world. Then what is humanism in the end? The edge that we accept and live with.

FB https://www.facebook.com/events/142267946197569/

Nový humanizmus

vernisáž 19:00 – 23:00, 13.7.2016, Berlínskej model, Pplk. Sochora 9, 170 00 Praha

Lexa Peroutka

zvuková performance Romano Krzych (FR/CZ) a http://rkz1.blogspot.cz/

Jakákoliv jednota se stává zastaralou nebo spíše dočasnou a je často jen oportunistickou volbou. Rozpoznali jsme těkavost reality a světového řádu a přizpůsobujeme náš všední život tomuto novému prostředí, které je prakticky jen druhem bytí na hraně. Chápeme, že I pravda se vztahuje k prostředí a je opodstatněná konkrétními podmínkami, které ji umožňují se zviditelnit. Nový světový řád má mnoho pólů a koutů a vyžaduje nová etická pravidla. Ale při vědomí si všeho, co máme k dispozici (a zárověň k vyhození), tato nová pravidla se vůbec nejeví jako nová. Zastaralé druhy hierarchií, soupeření, tříd, konfliktů a předností nalézají nové cesty v našem novém světě. Co je tedy nakonec humanizmem? Hrana, kterou akceptujeme, a se kterou žijeme.

FB https://www.facebook.com/events/142267946197569/

/Isolation /Lexa Peroutka, Petr Stolín, Jan Stolín /Punk in Architecture /Regional Gallery in Liberec

/Isolation /Punk in Architecture

/A Lecture by Victor Marx in Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in Prague /26 Nov 2015 /6 pm

Victor Marx (1983) is visual artist and architect who lives and works in Stockholm. He works with contemporary social themes that he incorporates into his urban interventions/projects. The scale of his work is somewhere between architectural and more sculptural forms using elements of performance, social interaction and participation.

His work transcends several fields of cultural/art production with main focus on social and urban solutions in Swedish context. However, his themes have a much broader character and more of a global importance, dealing with topics such as changes of current social fabric, multicultural identity, art and cultural activities within economically defined environment and their independence, DIY architecture and architecture in the margins, regeneration of unused public spaces, or renewal of local social interaction etc.

Victor Marx’s work is frequently mentioned in Swedish media because of its connection to ongoing heated public debate on Sweden’s future and future of public/street art.

Victor was one the founders of Cyklopen, an independent culture house in Stockholm, of which he was also the architect. Cyklopen gained its firm position in Stockholm’s contemporary cultural/art scene for its community oriented approach and differentiation away from the traditional and official cultural/art institutions, often limited by their hierarchical and bureaucratic nature and rigid organizational methods. Cyklopen is situated in Stockholm suburbs, the melting-and-meeting pot of various cultures (Eastern European, Middle Eastern…) where future Sweden is just taking shape.

Work of Victor Marx is currently documented by Martina Iverus for the new art program ARTityd (Swedish TV 1).



event in GJF (Prague)

Accommodation Tower (2008, under Liljeholmen Bridge, Stockholm)

Ubytovací věž (2008)

Vitrin Gallery (2008, Masmo subway station, Stockholm)

Galerie Vitrína (2008)

Cyklopen Independent Culture House no.2 (2013, Högdalen, Stockholm)

kulturní dům Cyklopen č.2 (2013)

/Generic Failure at DADS Gallery in Liberec /Nov 2015

photos by Oskar Stolín

Generic Failure #1

Generic Failure #2

Generic Failure #3 sm

/Generic Failure in DADS Gallery in Reichenberg /Liberec /5 Nov 2015

Lexa Peroutka in DADS

/Fylkingen /31 Oct 2015

Coming soon!!

Pals from Stockholm (www.palsfestival.se) and Ferdinand Baumann Gallery in Prague (www.fbgallery.cz) with the help of The Czech Center Stockholm (http://stockholm.czechcentres.cz/) organize Czech-Swedish performance event at Fylkingen in Stockholm (www.fylkingen.se).

Czech participation:

Milan Kohout
(www.mobius.org/milan-kohout), (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjX5QDx97uF0M6Q3gSvGYAg),
(Radical Jesters, 2008)

Vladimír Turner

Barbora Šimková

Karíma Al-Mukhtarová

Darina Alster

Gaby Billa-Günther (Berlin)

Swedish participation:

Louise Dahl-Lindvall

Henrik Ekesiöö


Nongkran Panmogkol

(www.flickr.com/photos/candylandgallery/albums/72157631045117120), (FBGallery/2011/EU-Beef)


Curators: Erik Wijkström, Darina Alster, Lexa Peroutka

/opening of group exhibition XENOFILIA in NTK Gallery /Prague /3 Dec 2014 /6pm

/Strike? /installation in group exhibition – Blind Spot in NTK Gallery /Prague

