Tag: Alexander Peroutka

#Unity #AlexanderPeroutka #video #DeskaGallery #ÚstínadLabem #Aussig




#Unity’ #AlexanderPeroutka #DeskaGallery #ÚstínadLabem #Aussig

The association ‘The Image Of Time’ welcomes all of you to see art installation of Alexander Peroutka: UNITY/JEDNOTA.

Alexander Peroutka (1975) is a Czech visual artist, sculptor, art curator and art critic. He studied at FUUD of UJEP university in Usti nad Labem. He was a guest a student at SUNY Cortland (USA). Then he attended Monumental Studio at AVU in Prague (prof. Aleš Veselý). He was also an exchange and a guest student at Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm (Kungl. Konsthögskolan). There he attended Monumental Studio of prof. Apolonija Šušterčič. In 2011 he successfully defended his doctorand theses (Information and Identity; Critical Art, its limits and possibilities) at FAVU of VUT in Brno.

The work of Peroutka is highly influenced by his personal attitudes. His diploma work injected into his work easy access and movement throughout his specific focus. His interest is in general social instability and temporarity and direct interaction with these conditions. It expects to be part of these concrete social situations, these rapid social changes and economical mechanisms. It expects him to be an active participant in these specific social environments and their activities.

His work went through natural adjustments throughout the years. He started as a sculptor, he experimented with kinetic objects and then he moved into more contemporary expression. There he uses more complicated technical elements or installations that have temporary character. But he is also applying some traditional sculptural forms. Dominant is his monumental approach that he has never left abandoned.

For the ‘Landscape’ thematic focus of Deska Gallery he is in line with above mentioned practices. Landscape in his approach is transformed into social structure, this immaterial subject is going to materialized with the use of everyday elements. In this concrete situation it is also going to have its subversive side.


Karel Konopka

before installation in public /sculpture symposium /Most /Brux /Czechia


/Tady a teď /2005

Tady a teď

tady a ted


to buy at http://bookstore.artmap.cz/cs/2928-tady-a-ted-alexander-peroutka-.html

/Generic Failure at DADS Gallery in Liberec /Nov 2015

photos by Oskar Stolín

Generic Failure #1

Generic Failure #2

Generic Failure #3 sm

/Generic Failure in DADS Gallery in Reichenberg /Liberec /5 Nov 2015

Lexa Peroutka in DADS

/works in the Dowd Gallery collection /SUNY Cortland /USA


Material Removal, 1999

Connector, 1999

Given New Order, 1999

/Rudolf Valenta /Rekonstruktion /Sborník textů a dokumentů v kontextu tvorby autora v emigraci (1970-2014)

(EN)  An Anthology of Texts and Documents in the Context of Rudolf Valenta’s Work in Exile

After necessary delay the book is ready to print (only in Czech language). Coming soon!

/International Conference on EXILE at AVU in Prague /12 Nov 2014 /10am-6pm

The international conference EXILE probes the problematic of contemporary global/European mobility (global/European citizenship). The development of contemporary art is understood as a simultaneous process which is part of contemporary global geopolitical changes. The interdisciplinary conference connects authors representing their specialisms in the different geopolitical environments. Organizers follow this subject from the perspectives of visual art opened to new positions, interpretations, research, engagement and critique. The conference is structured into blocks of presentations facilitating a deeper focus into social movements as integration, (cultural) assimilation and dominance.

Presentations by: Giles Ji Ungpakorn (Oxford, political scientist and political activist); Zdeněk Uherek (Prague, ethnologist, social anthropologist); Stefan Tiron (Bucharest, art critic); Lars O Ericsson (Stockholm, art critic, philosopher and writer); Dror Feiler (Stockholm, artist, composer and activist); Avdej Ter-Oganjan (Prague, artist) and Adriana Kiss (art historian).

Organized by: Milan Mikuláštík, Alexander Peroutka a František Zachoval
Production: DigiLab AVU

Registration form: http://exile.avu.cz/


/Rudolf Valenta /Rekonstruction

installation TAT in the Czech Center Berlin

RV TAT installation

/video doc from our exhibition in Kreuzberg Pavillon /Berlin

/upcoming group show “Innocent Violence” in Kreuzberg Pavillon in Berlin /Inv /11 Oct 2014

Innocent Violence

Invitation / Einladung

Sa. 11.10.2014, 20.00 Uhr / 8pm


Klas Eriksson
Nongkran Panmongkol
Alexander Peroutka

Klas Eriksson, Nagkran Panmongkol und Alexander Peroutka arbeiten mit sozialer Intervention. IhreArbeit wird von ihrem Aufenthalt bzw Leben in im geopolitischen Raum Schweden beeinflusst. Traditionell haben soziale und politische Ideen in Schweden eine eigene autonome Interpretation und Umsetzung. Die Gesellschaft scheint hier homogener zu sein und sich rund um ein allgemeines Einvernehmen zu organisieren. Diese Interventionen erwarten ein soziales Umfeld, das seine eigenen Limits aufweist, Grenzen, seine eigenen einzigartigen Erwartungen.

Klas Eriksson erforscht soziale Macht, Hierarchie, soziale Kontrolle und Gewalt innerhalb kultureller Vorstellung und den Einfluss von Pop-Kultur auf die Funktion der heutigen Gesellschaft. Seine Forschung verleiht seiner Installationen und Videos einen performativen Charakter.

Nongkran Panmogkol wurde in Thailand geboren und lebt in Stockholm. Sie arbeitet mit Vorstellungen von kulturellem Konflikt, kultureller Hegemonie und analysiert die Probleme, die durch die non stop Modernisierung der westlichen / globalen Gesellschaft, Grenzen der menschlichen Einwirkung und persönliche und gemeinschaftliche soziale Verantwortung.

Alexander Peroutka lebt und arbeitet in Prag und Stockholm. Seine Arbeit basiert auf der Erforschung der Logik kultureller und politischer Strukturen, die innerhalb jedes geo-politischen Raumes authentisch sind. Er schafft seinen eigenen kritischen Ansatz, der dreidimensional wird in Form von Installationen, die auf Dokumentationen, Datenbanken und sozialen Modellen basieren.


Klas Eriksson, Nongkran Panmongkol and Alexander Peroutka work with the idea of social intervention. Their work is influenced by their stay or life in the geopolitical space of Sweden. Social and political ideas in Sweden have traditionally their own autonomous interpretation and implementation. Here it seems the society is more homogeneous and is organized around common understanding. The focus of the presented work lies on artistic investigation into social realities limited by geopolitical space. These interventions expect a social environment that has its limits, borders and its own unique expectations.

Klas Eriksson is investigating social power, hierarchy, social control and violence in cultural imaginary and the impact of pop-culture on function of contemporary society. His investigations leads to a certain performative character of his installations and videos.

Nongkran Panmongkol was born in Thailand and lives in Stockholm. She is working with the ideas of cultural conflict, cultural hegemony while she is analyzing the problems that are created by non-stop modernization of western global society in terms of human interaction limits, personal and collective social responsibilities.

Alexander Peroutka is an artist from Prague and Stockholm. His work is based on investigations into a logic of cultural and political structures that are authentic in every geo-political area (geo-body). He creates his own critical approach that takes three-dimentional form of his installations. His installations are based on documentaries, databases and social models.

Naunynstrasse 53
Gartenstudio Berlin
10999 Berlin

Public transport / ÖPNV : U1 / U8 Kottbusser Tor



/interview for ARTMargins /by František Zachoval /11 Nov 2013

The Observation In A Second Order >Alexander Peroutka<

ARTMargins /profile /Alexander Peroutka

/Invisible Economy /Gallery-Office ABC /Moscow /22-23 Sep 2012


Invisible Economy, Gallery-Office ABC

Invisible Economy, Gallery-Office ABC

Invisible Economy, Gallery-Office ABC

/invitation to the artist-run art space: Gallery-Office ABC in Moscow (Artplay)


Invisible Economy”

Hidden Economy, Invisible Economy, Backyard Economy, Spatial Economy, Underground Economy, Informal Economy, Economy of Resourcefulness, Black Economy,… Relational Economy


We are living in the world that seems to be defined mainly by the category of economy. We often hear that our living standards are declining; when we worry about the economy and its negative implications. Our belief in the future falters when economy is not doing well. Our democratic aspirations don’t matter anymore if they cannot create or support economic growth. When the general outlook of the economy is positive our future is positive, too.

Let’s see what this means. Are we strictly defined by economy? Our life is heavily dependent on our attitude to the interpretation of this word. But we don’t know what this interpretation is supposed to be. There are many ideas but there doesn’t seem to be the real thing that has a visible connection to our lives. The word ‘economy’ is like a magic and there are a few magicians who are telling us ‘impenetrable truth’.

But what may happen when we think for ourselves without listening to magicians/truth-interpreters?

Isn’t economy just about definition of our relations? Does it tell us how we are seen as members of a greater society? Does it tell us what we should to do for others and what they should do for us? One word but its interpretation may have many consequences. It can be suggested that the interpretation of this word defines the way we are seen, we are heard, we are known and the way we hear, we see, we know, we learn etc.

In this exhibition we are going to test rules of economy and the implications it is supposed to carry. We are approaching the impenetrable category of economy with all the tools available to us.


Gallery-Office ABC

/Collective Errors by Artycok.tv

/Game Over /Performance Festival – Seed of Goodness /Ferdinand Baumann Gallery inPrague

 performance at the performance festival "Seed of Goodness", Praha

(foto by Daniel Vlček)


Dear folk!!

I have only a few things to speak of…

Firstly, I would like to thank all you for your presence. It is not a time when participation in public events is easily done thing, particularly when your private time may be spent in so many other ways. It is a time when we are living from one day to the next, and assessing the activities we partake in from the point of view of maximum possible return for the investment of our time.

There is no more time that we can take from our personal business. The future of our social-political system is not clear yet, but we all know, what the values that we were serving in the past were. Maybe we don’t know everything, but with a bit of luck, we might know more in the near future.

These values are not the values we have chosen, but these values were given to us under the disguise of forced necessity. It is the results of such necessities that we may realize today, and now is the time to uncover these hidden truths. Today is the time to look back and see the fruits of our past actions. Have we been in full control of our lives, or was it someone or something else? Who is deciding what? How far can we understand and identify the consequences of our actions?

Why have we been introduced into other realities, which have forced us to believe and participate in things that we have no respect for?

We have lived through different beliefs and environments of different norms, prospects, values and futures.
I thank this country for fulfilling my basic human rights.
I thank it for giving me the free education as long as I wanted to study and the free access to health services whenever I needed it.

But it is exactly these pleasant social gifts which are in question now. There is no trust in free public services any more, and they are distributed more unequally today than ever before. There exist citizens of our society who are more equal than we are. They demand that we have enough passion and for us to be ready for any service that will keep the current “status quo” functioning – it has become our duty to serve. We are unknowing servicemen chained to perform at any time and carry out any duty.

But now we want to bring an end to all of this, to say ‘stop!’. We have realized that we didn’t act with the full knowledge of what we were serving for! We have realized the hidden truth, which before was masked and invisible to us.

So take back the honor of our acts of false duties! I can’t take the time back, but I can return these devalued pieces of metal!

There were different forms of duty in different times, for different social systems. All of these values are set to become only memory one day and they are easily replaced. So there is no special individual necessity to remember, but what we cannot forget is that it was not through our own free will that we have been living! We have hurt others in the name of cold, impersonal Powers!

So take it back again!

I have been in the service of values that people no longer believe also, and I am giving these memories back to the anonymous space. This space may be free one day and will be accessible to everyone. But these little pieces of forgotten value never need be evaluated again. These are formed from the same materials as coins – money that we receive to do our jobs – an entity that we didn’t understand properly and that made us slave to tasks that we never wished to do.

These jobs were done with our belief that we serve a just cause. But what has happenned? Finally we can see that the promises made to us were different from reality as it stands today. We have been given the chance to see where we really stand and what it is that we really do.

We will have no more of such values that are hidden from our comprehension. No more values that will be replaced soon after. No more misunderstanding and no more cheap coins that defy our honor.

No more values that will keep our eyes closed and our ears deaf.

I do not accept the service that changes its logic over time, and that hides its purpose from public sight. I champion transparency!

Here I want to finish and let you to decide on your own if there is any future for common peoples’ reasoning or if there are just distinct individual wants and needs and Powers to listen to.

I want you to decide if there is any future possible for us when it looks as though there is no future for that benefits everyone; only a future that benefits the few.

Thank you for your listening!


(Lexa Peroutka)


/Collective Errors /Candyland Gallery in Stockholm


Installation av Alexander Peroutka (CZE /Tjeckien)


10 februari 17-22

02 10 – 02 26

Den tjeckiske konstnäre Alexander Peroutkas fontän med skräp i och videofilm med intervjuer på offentliga platser, vill väcka frågor kring en alltmer krympande rörelsefrihet.

The water basin installation occupying the gallery room represents an approximately neutral public place. It is a place where the various remnants of our one or more days´ valued things meet. However, even though the room is public, it doesn’t even mean that it is available to all. There is no sense of permanency, and all is subject to flux and change.

Public spaces are in a constant state of flux and are currently shrinking in favour of entrepreneurship and competition for business growth worldwide.

So, although public places seem to be in the public domain, they have in fact often already been sold off, leaving people isolated in an ever-diminishing realm of connectivity.

The litter and remains of our small private joys, and the results of hidden market mechanism are circulating inside the pool, switching places in reflection of the material
metamorphic cycles evident within urbanized spaces.

The basin is there to remind us of that which we value and is there to be compared to the personal interviews being presented on loop in the next room of the gallery.


Collective Errors, video interviews, Gallery Candyland, Sthlm from lxu on Vimeo.

/Kritické umění /disertace na FaVU v Brně /2011
