Author's posts
Sep 05
#nofuture #nongkranpanmongkol #lexaperoutka #gallerylaboratory #avoidfloatinggallery #prague #07092018
7 Sep 2018 – 13 Sep 2018
Gallery Laboratory
The scope of this cooperative work sees both artists are engaging with the symptoms of contemporary society. It is some sort of radical imagined landscape of our general/global world.
They investigate our modern social atmosphere, which is often uncontrollable. But to a certain extent this atmosphere can be predictable and susceptible to manipulation. Their work manifests ground/basic models and simplification. These are elementary – minimalist sculptural/multimedia installations where they test contemporary social and political situations.
Both artists have worked together for about one decade and are also involved in a curatorial program between Sweden and Czechia.
7. září 2018 – 13. září 2018
Galerijní Laboratoř
Během této autorské spolupráce se oba umělci věnují problematice současné společnosti. Jo to druh radikální vizuality našeho všedního/globalizovaného světa.
Autoři dělají průzkum společenské atmosféry, která je běžně nekontrolovatelná. Společenskou atmosféru můžeme do jisté míry předpovídat nebo ji i manipulovat. Jejich tvorba směřuje k základním modelům a zjednodušením. Jsou jimi minimalistické sochařské/multimediální instalace, kde si ověřují současné společenské a politické situace.
Oba umělci již spolupracují deset let, součástí jejich spolupráce je i kurátorský program mezi Švédskem a Českem.
Oct 07
#decentralisedidentity #invitation #ume #07102017
Alice Máselniková and Lexa Peroutka invites you to our curatorial project’s outcome in Umeå!
Apr 30
#Unity’ #AlexanderPeroutka #DeskaGallery #ÚstínadLabem #Aussig
The association ‘The Image Of Time’ welcomes all of you to see art installation of Alexander Peroutka: UNITY/JEDNOTA.
Alexander Peroutka (1975) is a Czech visual artist, sculptor, art curator and art critic. He studied at FUUD of UJEP university in Usti nad Labem. He was a guest a student at SUNY Cortland (USA). Then he attended Monumental Studio at AVU in Prague (prof. Aleš Veselý). He was also an exchange and a guest student at Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm (Kungl. Konsthögskolan). There he attended Monumental Studio of prof. Apolonija Šušterčič. In 2011 he successfully defended his doctorand theses (Information and Identity; Critical Art, its limits and possibilities) at FAVU of VUT in Brno.
The work of Peroutka is highly influenced by his personal attitudes. His diploma work injected into his work easy access and movement throughout his specific focus. His interest is in general social instability and temporarity and direct interaction with these conditions. It expects to be part of these concrete social situations, these rapid social changes and economical mechanisms. It expects him to be an active participant in these specific social environments and their activities.
His work went through natural adjustments throughout the years. He started as a sculptor, he experimented with kinetic objects and then he moved into more contemporary expression. There he uses more complicated technical elements or installations that have temporary character. But he is also applying some traditional sculptural forms. Dominant is his monumental approach that he has never left abandoned.
For the ‘Landscape’ thematic focus of Deska Gallery he is in line with above mentioned practices. Landscape in his approach is transformed into social structure, this immaterial subject is going to materialized with the use of everyday elements. In this concrete situation it is also going to have its subversive side.
Karel Konopka
Feb 04
/The New Humanism /Lexa Peroutka /Berlínskej model /Prague /2016
Free To Choose
Of No Avail
The Package