Tag: Victor Marx

#NovéŠvédsko #VictorMarx #MikaelTofvesson #opening #NTKGallery #Prague

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/Kamil Nábělek : Angažované umění zpovídá mlčenlivou švédskost /review

Czech review of “A New Sweden” in DADS Gallery (Liberec) by Kamil Nábělek >>>


/A New Sweden /photos by Oskar Stolín

/A New Sweden /opening in DADS Gallery /25 Nov 2015

Swedish mosque in Liberec/Reichenberg

/A New Sweden /Victor Marx & Mikael Tofvesson /DADS Gallery /Liberec /Inv

A New Sweden /invitation

Victor Marx (1983) is visual artist and architect who lives and works in Stockholm. He works with contemporary social themes that he incorporates into his urban interventions/projects. Scale of his work is somewhere between architectural forms and more sculptural forms with elements of performance, social interaction and participation.

His work goes over several fields of cultural/art production – his main focus is on social and urban solutions within the context of Sweden. But his themes have much broader importance, rather global – changes of current social fabric, multicultural identity, art and cultural activities within economically defined environment and their independence, DIY architecture and architecture in the margins, regeneration of unused public spaces, renewal of local social interaction etc.

Victor Marx’s work is frequently mentioned in Swedish media because of its connection to ongoing heated public debate about Sweden’s future and future of public/street art.

Victor was one the founders of Cyklopen independent culture house of which he is architect as well.

Cyklopen has gained its firm position in Stockholm’s contemporary cultural/art scene because of its community oriented approach and distancing from traditional and official cultural/art institutions that are having its limitations when being organized on hierarchical and bureaucratic base. Cyklopen is situated in the part of Stockholm where different cultures meet (Eastern European, Middle Eastern…) and where future Sweden is just taking shape.

Work if Victor Marx was currently documented by Martina Iverus for the new art program ARTityd (Swedish TV 1).

Mikael Tofvesson (1983) is visual artist working in the city of Stockholm. He is commited to street art for a long time and he uses street art related expressions and techniques – graphic, illustration, 3D animation… He was also taking part in Cyklopen independent culture house project and he is a member of street art collective (its name is hidden) together with Victor Marx and others. Micke does not prefer to use his real name – strong anonymity has ethical and practical use for street art artists but this time we meet him under his civil name.


/A Lecture by Victor Marx in Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in Prague /26 Nov 2015 /6 pm

Victor Marx (1983) is visual artist and architect who lives and works in Stockholm. He works with contemporary social themes that he incorporates into his urban interventions/projects. The scale of his work is somewhere between architectural and more sculptural forms using elements of performance, social interaction and participation.

His work transcends several fields of cultural/art production with main focus on social and urban solutions in Swedish context. However, his themes have a much broader character and more of a global importance, dealing with topics such as changes of current social fabric, multicultural identity, art and cultural activities within economically defined environment and their independence, DIY architecture and architecture in the margins, regeneration of unused public spaces, or renewal of local social interaction etc.

Victor Marx’s work is frequently mentioned in Swedish media because of its connection to ongoing heated public debate on Sweden’s future and future of public/street art.

Victor was one the founders of Cyklopen, an independent culture house in Stockholm, of which he was also the architect. Cyklopen gained its firm position in Stockholm’s contemporary cultural/art scene for its community oriented approach and differentiation away from the traditional and official cultural/art institutions, often limited by their hierarchical and bureaucratic nature and rigid organizational methods. Cyklopen is situated in Stockholm suburbs, the melting-and-meeting pot of various cultures (Eastern European, Middle Eastern…) where future Sweden is just taking shape.

Work of Victor Marx is currently documented by Martina Iverus for the new art program ARTityd (Swedish TV 1).



event in GJF (Prague)

Accommodation Tower (2008, under Liljeholmen Bridge, Stockholm)

Ubytovací věž (2008)

Vitrin Gallery (2008, Masmo subway station, Stockholm)

Galerie Vitrína (2008)

Cyklopen Independent Culture House no.2 (2013, Högdalen, Stockholm)

kulturní dům Cyklopen č.2 (2013)

/Victor Marx & Mikael Tofvesson (in Czech)

Victor Marx (1983) je vizuální umělec a architekt, který působí ve Stockholmu a pracuje se současnými společenskými tématy, které interpretuje svými urbanistickými intervencemi/projekty. Jeho práce kulminuje mezi architektonickými objekty a více sochařskými formami s aspekty performance, společenské interakce a participace. Jeho práce překlenuje několik oborů a žánrů – hlavní důraz klade na řešení společenského tématu v kontextu současného Švédska. Tato témata mají globální charakter – proměna současných společenských vazeb, multikulturní identita, umělecká a kulturní činnost v čistě ekonomicky definovaném prostředí a její nezávislost, architektura svépomocí a architektura na okraji – regenerace nevyužitého veřejného prostoru a obnovení lokálních společenských vazeb.

Práce Victora Marxe se několikrát objevila v popředí veřejné debaty (v médiích) ve Švédsku. Victor je iniciátorem a architektem nezávislého kulturního domu Cyklopen ve stockholmské čtvrti Högdalen, která je ovlivněna silnou vlnou imigrace z Východní Evropy a Předního Východu. Jeho práce je mapována v dokumentu švédské televize SVT1 v novém programu o současném umění – ARTityd (film Martiny Iverus).


Mikael Tofvesson (1983) je vizuální umělec působící rovněž ve Stockholmu, který se dlouhodobě věnuje street art a příbuzným technikám uměleckého projevu – grafika, ilustrace, 3D animace… S Victorem Marxem se podílel na realizaci nezávislého kulturního domu Cyklopen a je členem street art kolektivu (jméno je skryté), kterého je Victor Marx rovněž členem. Z etických a praktických důvodů prostředí street art upřednostňuje anonymitu autora. Mikke tak pod svým pravým jménem vystupuje vlastně poprvé v kontextu vizuálního umění.

/A New Sweden/ opening/ Victor Marx and Mikael Tovfesson in DADS – Die Aktualität des Schönen… in Liberec /25 Nov 2015

Die Aktualität des Schönen…

Marx arkitektur AB

26 Nov 2015/ a lecture by Victor Marx at Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in Prague