Tag: Stockholm

Per Forma _ Inercult Stockholm _ 8th Dec 2016 (curated by Alice Máselníková)

‘Per Forma’ is a two–day event exploring the relationship between contemporary performance art, theatre and their audiences.
It takes place on December 8, 2pm at Intercult Studio and December 9, 7pm at Fylkingen, Stockholm.

How do we perceive performance in the age of constantly commodified performativity?
The ephemeral nature of performance and theatre has been facing numerous existential challenges, where the focus lies on simplified, readily accessible pleasures and where institutional structures are being shaped according to political and economic agendas.

Transition and identity is the theme these events center around. Who is an actor, a performer, a spectator in a performance today and what dynamics and possibilities of transformation does the relationship between those offer? Are these firlmy institutionalised, untraversable roles or can it be transitioned and developed in response to current context?


Day 1
Thursday December 8:th, 2 pm – 6.30 pm + informal reception
Venue: Intercult Studio (Nytorgsgatan 15A, Södermalm, Stockholm)

Invited speakers include practitioners from theatre, performance art and interdisciplinary sectors. In short 30 minute blocks, the speakers will present their practices and professional experience. The session will continue with a panel discussion and finish with a performance by Ukrainian artist Maria Kulikovska.

2.00 Introduction by Alice Maselnikova
2.20 Anders Paulin (SE)
2.50 Sergey Samodov (RU)
3.20 Maria Kulikovska (UA)
4.00 Alexander Peroutka (CZ)
4.30 Fia-Stina Sandlund (SE)
5.00 Gustav Broms (SE)
5.45 Panel Discussion: Joakim Stampe, Teater7, Anna Korbašová/Ezra Benus.
Moderated by Chris Torch & Alice Maselnikova
6.30 Performance by Maria Kulikovska

Followed by an informal reception

Day 2
Friday December 9, 7-10 pm and then till late ***sparkling afterparty with DJ Kaosart***
Venue: Fylkingen (Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2, Södermalm, entrance from Münchenbryggeriet)
Performing: Teater 7: Ola Wallinder/Amanda Jalmberger (Director: Peter Bark), Joakim Stampe, Ezra Benus & Anna Korbašová.

3 performances in one night ! All created around the theme of transition& identity in performative acts, as approached from three different angles. It is a one-evening musing upon similarities and differences in the processes of creation, audience interaction and performativity.

19.00 Introduction
19.15 Anna Korbašová/Ezra Benus (SK/US)
20.00 Teater7: Ola Wallinder/Amanda Jalmberger (Director: Peter Bark) (SE)
20.45 Joakim Stampe (SE)

Plus the evening continues with a live party hosted by the amazing DJ Kaosart!

Per Forma is curated by Alice Maselnikova as part of a degree project within Curating Art, International Master’s Programme at Stockholm University. The project is presented in collaboration with Europa Direkt Intercult and Fylkingen Studios.


Intercult Stockholm

/Collective Errors by Artycok.tv

/Collective Errors /Candyland Gallery in Stockholm


Installation av Alexander Peroutka (CZE /Tjeckien)


10 februari 17-22

02 10 – 02 26

Den tjeckiske konstnäre Alexander Peroutkas fontän med skräp i och videofilm med intervjuer på offentliga platser, vill väcka frågor kring en alltmer krympande rörelsefrihet.

The water basin installation occupying the gallery room represents an approximately neutral public place. It is a place where the various remnants of our one or more days´ valued things meet. However, even though the room is public, it doesn’t even mean that it is available to all. There is no sense of permanency, and all is subject to flux and change.

Public spaces are in a constant state of flux and are currently shrinking in favour of entrepreneurship and competition for business growth worldwide.

So, although public places seem to be in the public domain, they have in fact often already been sold off, leaving people isolated in an ever-diminishing realm of connectivity.

The litter and remains of our small private joys, and the results of hidden market mechanism are circulating inside the pool, switching places in reflection of the material
metamorphic cycles evident within urbanized spaces.

The basin is there to remind us of that which we value and is there to be compared to the personal interviews being presented on loop in the next room of the gallery.


Collective Errors, video interviews, Gallery Candyland, Sthlm from lxu on Vimeo.