/so the book is out!!

Rudolf-Valenta-Rekonstruktion-The-Karte        Cover and Graphic © Design Michal Chodanič, 2014

Title: Rudolf Valenta. Rekonstruktion
Sborník textů a dokumentů v kontextu tvorby autora v emigraci (1970–2014)
Eds: Alexander Peroutka, Frantisek Zachoval
Czech, Paperback
160 pages, 14,8 x 21cm, black & white
Berlin, January 2015
ISBN 978-39-817-0170-8
price: 14 EUR (+ extra postage)


Rudolf Valenta left socialist Czechoslovakia in 1970; renouncing
the environment that was his home and the nurturing place of his
profession. In the modern world, the phenomenon of mobility is
considered to be an important tool for unifying Europe, with greater
mobility being both initiated and supported. During the years
of Valenta’s exile and his artistic career in Germany (Berlin), Czech
society had transformed; with its integration into a unified Europe
and adoption of a new scale of values and beliefs. Czech cultural
history is an amalgam of instrumental references, which do not
pay adequate attention to creators residing abroad. For this reason,
this publication devotes more attention to studying the material of
those works which Rudolf Valenta created during his time in his
period of German residence.

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